Grand Knight's Message

Work In Progress



Due to Covid, events are subject to change or cancellation.

1                     Report of Officers Chosen #185 due
18                  Meeting Sunday 1PM
22                  4th Deg. Meeting

1                      Service Program Report #365 due
15                    Semi Annual Audit #1295 due
15                    Meeting Sunday 1PM

6                      Labor Day
11                    Faith Formation Pancake Breakfast
19                    Meeting Sunday 1PM
23                    4th Deg. Meeting
25                    Parish Spaghetti Dinner – Help and Cleanup
25/26              Pancake Breakfast appears in church bulletin
30                    Food Drive appears in bulletin.
30                    Food Drive Posters placed in churches.
30                    Food Collection Boxes placed in churches.

2/3                   KofC Food Drive starts
2/3                   Announce in Church, Pancake Break. –  Next Week
9                      Rosary in the Park
10                    Announce in Church, Pancake Break – TODAY
10                    Pancake Breakfast & Raffle Drawing
10                    Recruitment Drive at Pancake Breakfast
11                    Columbus Day
16                    Parish Area Cleanup
17                    Meeting Sunday 1PM
24                    Parish Area Cleanup – Rain Date


2                      Election Day
7                     Daylight Savings Time Ends
7                      3rd Deg. Mem. Mass @ St. John’s
8                      Arrange for 2022 Mem. Mass at office
2                      Election Day
11                    Veterans Day
18                    4th Deg. Meeting
20                    KofC Food Drive Ends
20                    Meeting Sunday 1PM
20                    Request members to supply Service Hour next month
21                    Remove Food Boxes and Posters from churches
25                    Thanksgiving Day

4 or 11            Breakfast w/ Santa ???
15                    First Billing Notice for 2022
19                    Meeting Sunday 1PM
19                    Collect Service Hours from members


11                    Red Cross Blood Drive – 12:30 PM – 6:30 PM
14                    Second Dues Notice Sent
16                    Meeting Sunday 1PM
21                    March for Life – Washington, DC
31                    Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity Report #1728 due

14                    Valentine’s Day
15                    Semi Annual Report #1295-2 due
19                    Third Dues Notice sent
20                    Meeting Sunday 1PM
21                    Presidents’ Day

1                      Intent to Retain Notice Sent
2                      Ash Wednesday
7                      Financial Secretary’s Appointment ends
13                    Daylight Savings Time Begins
15                    Red Cross Blood Drive 12:30 PM – 6:30 PM
20                    Meeting Sunday 1PM
20                    Election Committee Named
25                    Parish Movie “UNPLANNED” Sponsored by the Knights
???                  Special Council Communion Mass

2/3                   Bulletin Insert for Pancake Breakfast appears
2/3                   Announce in Church, Pancake Break – Next Week
10                    Palm Sunday
10                    Announce in Church, Pancake Break – TODAY
10                    Pancake Breakfast
11                    Necrology Report Due
14                    Holy Thursday Procession – carry the canopy
16                    Church Grounds Cleanup
17                    Easter
24                    Meeting Sunday 1PM         CHANGE
24                    Present New Slate of Officers for 2023
30                    Church Grounds Cleanup – Rain Date

???           Confirmation – Honor Guard for the Bishop

1                      May Crowning
8                      Mother’s Day
15                    First Communion
15                    Meeting Sunday 1PM
15                    Election of New Officers
19-22               PA State Convention
30                    Memorial Day Parade

???                 4th Degree Exemplification – Allentown, PA
19                    Corpus Christi Procession – carry the canopy
19                    Meeting Sunday 1PM
19                    Father’s Day
30                    Food for Families’ Report #10057 due
30                    RSVP Report #2863 due
30                    Annual Report KofC Round Table #2630 due

1                      Report of Officers Chosen #185 due
17                    Meeting Sunday 1PM
24                    Parish Picnic – ???
29                    Ice Cream Social Dyberry Day Camp

1                      Service Program Report due
15                    Semi Annual Audit #1295-1 due
??                     Supreme Convention – Nashville, TN
                                                                 Opryland Hotel
21                    Meeting Sunday 1PM

5                      Labor Day
11                    Faith Formation Pancake Breakfast
18                    Meeting Sunday 1PM
24                    Parish Spaghetti Dinner – Help and Cleanup
30                    Food Drive appears in bulletin.
30                    Food Drive Posters placed in churches.
30                    Food Collection Boxes placed in churches.

1/2                   KofC Food Drive starts
1/2                   Announce in Church, Pancake Break. –  Next Week
8                      Rosary in the Park
9                      Announce in Church, Pancake Break – TODAY
9                      Pancake Breakfast & Raffle Drawing
9                      Recruitment Drive at Pancake Breakfast
10                    Columbus Day
15                    Parish Area Cleanup
16                    Meeting Sunday 1PM
23                    Parish Area Cleanup – Rain Date

5                      Practice for Memorial Mass
6                      3rd & 4th Deg. Mem. Mass @ St. John’s
7                      Arrange for 2023 Mem. Mass at office
8                      Election Day
11                    Veterans Day
16                    Daylight Savings Time Ends
20                    KofC Food Drive Ends
20                    Meeting Sunday 1PM
20                    Request members supply Service Hour next month
21                    Remove Food Boxes and Posters from churches
24                    Thanksgiving Day

3 or 10            Breakfast w/ Santa ???
15                    First Billing Notice for 2023
18                    Meeting Sunday 1PM
18                    Collect Service Hours from members

Insurance for members and famlies



Trust your family’s future to one of the largest and most highly rated life insurers in North America.

The Knights of Columbus is one of the largest life insurers in North America, and the largest Catholic life insurer in the world. *

Six numbers tell the story of Knights of Columbus strength:

Knights of Columbus Insurance
  1. In November of 2015, the Knights of Columbus surpassed $100 billion of life insurance in force.
  2. Insurance in force is a calculation of the total amount of money owed to policy holders. Put differently, $105 billion of life insurance in force means that the Knights of Columbus has a $105 billion promise to members and their families.
  3. The Knights of Columbus manages $22 billion of assets from their international headquarters in New Haven, Conn.
  4.  In 2015 alone, the Knights of Columbus distributed $875 million to members and their beneficiaries in benefits, claims, maturities, annuities and dividends.
  5. The Knights of Columbus has more than 2 million active contracts in force. That means that hundreds of thousands of brother Knights have elected to help protect their families and their futures with the Knights of Columbus.
  6. Despite a rough economic climate, the Knights of Columbus has experienced 17 consecutive years of growth.

The Knights of Columbus manages its assets in an ethical and responsible way. The Knights does not invest in companies that deal in: abortions, contraception, human cloning, embryonic stem cell research, for-profit health care that pays for any of the aforementioned, and pornography.

Remarking recently on the streak, CEO and Supreme Knight Carl Anderson said:

I firmly believe that our moral compass has helped guide us through a turbulent decade and an uncertain economy. While other companies were making ethically questionable and unnecessarily risky decisions, we were not. While others were looking for novel ways to do business and to increase profits, we were not….We stayed true to our principles and knew that if we did the right thing for the right reasons, we would get the results that we wanted — and we have.

For 42 consecutive years, the Knights of Columbus has earned superior ratings for financial strength from A.M. Best**


*Ranked according to assets by Best’s Statistical Study
**Currently rated A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best

Local Agent; Stephen R. Luciani  MBA, FICF
Home: 570-341-5672
Cell: 570-677-0220